Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Importance of Trophy Display Cases In Schools and Universities

Whether it's an elementary school or Ivy-league university, all educational institutions should invest in display cases for their trophies. It's a simple and effective way to show the students, faculty and guests how much they appreciate the hard work of everyone involved. Upon entering the school, you'll be greeted with an elegantly attractive display case filled with various trophies. It may seem like a small decorative accessory, but it leaves behind a legacy of all the student and accomplishments. Here we'll take a closer look at the importance of using trophy display cases in schools and universities.

When To Use Trophies In Schools and Universities

Handing out trophies and awards to students for academic excellence is critical in keeping them motivated. Essentially, it shows them that all of their hard work doesn't go unnoticed, and as a result, they are rewarded with a trophy. Some students may wish to take their trophies home where they show it off in their bedroom, but others may prefer to leave it on display at the school. By leaving it at the school or university, they are leaving behind their name and legacy for other students to see. It's not uncommon for students to return back to their high school university several decades after graduating to see their trophies still standing in the same display where they originally left them.

Of course trophies and awards can also be given to school athletes who excel at their respective sport. Most schools throughout the country have an athletic program with multiple sports for students to participate in. Not only does this help to develop physical strength and fitness, but it's also helps develop other skills like teamwork, leadership and obedience. These are all traits that will carry on throughout the athlete's life, regardless of what path career path they decide to take.

Some schools and universities may simply place their students' trophies for display on a basic shelving system, but this isn't recommended. Without a proper glass display case to store them in, you run the risk of having the trophies knocked over, stolen or otherwise damaged. The bottom line is that every school and university needs to invest in a high-quality glass display case for their trophies and awards. It's a small price to pay for the peace of mind knowing that the students' legacy is safely stored behind a protective case where it will remain for years to come.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How To Clean a Glass Display Case

Glass display cases are multifunctional accessories that can be used for a variety of different reasons. Universities and schools use them to showcase students' trophies, while retail stores use for displaying products. Whatever your reason for using a glass display case, you'll need to invest some of your time and energy into keeping it clean. Allowing it to go weeks on end without cleaning will result in a dust-coated case that takes away from the natural, shimmering beauty of the case. Keep reading and we'll reveal the steps necessary to clean a glass display case.

What You'll Need


You'll first need to pick up some basic cleaning supplies to get started. While some people may have their own preferred cleaning method, I've found it's usually best to stick with an ammonia-based, non-streak glass cleaner, such as Windex. You can find spray bottles of this stuff for sale at most big-name grocery stores and home improvement stores. In addition to a bottle of glass cleaner, you'll also need some paper towels and a bottle of Murphy's Oil Soap. All of these supplies can be purchased for about $20-$30 bucks.

Getting Started...


Now that you have all of the necessary supplies, it's time to start cleaning. Spray a minimal amount of glass cleaner on the glass surface of the display case and gently wipe it off with a clean paper towel. Continue doing this until you've covered all of the visible exterior glass. When you are finished with the outside, open the display case and do the same for the inside.  Just spray a very minimal amount of the cleaner inside to clean the interior glass. Typically, the inside shouldn't be nearly as dirty or dusty as the outside, but it will still require an occasional cleaning. Be sure to wipe up any excess cleaner using a paper towel.

Instead of using glass cleaner on the wooden parts of the display case, I recommend using Murphy's Oil Soap. It's a better all-around solution for authentic wooden finishes, and using it will result in a cleaner surface. Just apply a small amount of the soap to a clean hand cloth and then rub it into the wooden parts of your display case. After the wooden areas have been thoroughly cleaned, wipe it back down with a clean towel to remove any excess moisture. Congratulations, you've just cleaned your glass display case! Perform this cleaning process once every 2-3 weeks to keep it looking sparkly clean.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Showcasing Trophies With a Glass Display Case

Trophies a symbol of accomplishment and a reminder that all of your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Whether you have a trophy for excelling in academics or for playing a particular sport, you'll probably want to show them off for others to see. Unfortunately, however, this is oftentimes difficult to do, as you may want them to be left out in the open where they are vulnerable to dust, dirt and damage. The good news is that there are a number of glass display cases available made specifically for showcasing trophies. If you are interested in using one, keep reading and we'll reveal some essential tips.

Benefits of a Trophy Display Case

Let's face it, most people simply place their beloved trophies on an empty shelf in their bedroom or living room and call it day. It's a simple and easy way for guests to marvel at their accomplishments upon entering their home. You may not realize it, but placing your trophies out in the open like this leaves it vulnerable to damage. Certain trophies, such as those made of authentic marble, can easily break if they are accidentally knocked down onto the ground. Watching your hard-earned trophy go crashing to the ground is a sight that no one wants to see. Thankfully, you can prevent this from happening by storing your trophies in a proper display case where they are completely protected against accidental bumps and knocks.

Another benefit to using a display case for your trophies is that it protects them against dust and dirt in the air. Although you can't see it, the air around us is filled with tiny dust particles. Over time, these dust particles will slowly coat the surface of your trophy, taking away from the luster and glow it once had. Of course taking the appropriate action to dust your trophies will keep them clean, but you can also keep them dust-free by storing them in a display case.

Using a Trophy Display Case

When choosing a display case for your trophies, you'll want to pay close attention to its color. Ideally, the color should match the area where you intend on using it. For instance, a black trophy display case would work the best in a living room with similar black furniture. On the other hand, a brown display case would be a better choice for a dining room with brown furniture. Take this into consideration as well as the size when shopping for a display case.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Choosing The Right Display Case For a Jewelry Store Business

A display case is something that every jewelry store business should have. Not only will it help to protect against theft, but it will also offer an attractive way to show off your goods and products to potential customers. The more "welcoming" your products look, the more sales you are going to have. So, which type of case should you purchase? Keep reading and we'll take a closer look at some of the things to consider when choosing a jewelry store display case.

#1 - Size

One of the most important factors you'll need to consider when shopping for a display case is size. It should go without saying that larger display cases will allow you to show off a greater amount of inventory. Instead of purchasing 3 or 4 small cases, you might be able to get away using just 1 or 2 large ones. The only downside, however, is that some of the larger ones might not fit in every store. Before purchasing one, take a few minutes to get the exact measurements where you intend on using them.

#2 - Locking Mechanism

The locking mechanism is something else that you'll want to take note of. Whether you sell low, mid or high-end jewelry, you'll want to keep it safely stored behind locked glass to sway potential shoplifters. Make sure any display case you purchase has some form of locking mechanism, such as track locking. This is an essential feature that every jewelry store owner should invest in.

#3 - Mirrored Panels

Another neat little feature in display cases that can help both you and your customers are mirrored panels. As the name suggests, these are mirror panels lining the walls of the display case. The primary benefit to using a case with this feature is that it makes the jewelry easier to see; therefore, you and your customers will have more visibility when it comes to the product inside the case. Display cases with mirrored panels do tend to cost slightly more than models without this feature, but you'll likely find it's well worth the investment.

Hopefully, this will give you a better idea on what to look for when choosing a display case for your jewelry store business. It's an otherwise simple store accessory that can turn into one of your biggest assets, which is why it's important to choose the right one. Take your time and pay close attention to the features and designs before making your decision.

Friday, March 15, 2013

WholeSale ShowCase Discount!

Are you the type of person that plans 3 months ahead for birthday parties, barbeques, and other special occasions by going to your nearest wholesaler and buying cases of paper cups, napkins, and forks, while rummaging through coupons looking for price drops in ground beef, hot dogs and other bulk food items? If so, this special is definitely for you.
Discount Showcases is proud to present our bulk package offer that will save our customers even more money when purchasing multiple showcases.

Display cases can be sold in packages of 10, ordered and shipped directly to our customers, in one huge penny saving swoop. A variety of options will be presented to our customers. Full vision glass cases with locks, fluorescent lighting, wooden or all glass sides, trophy or jewelry cases.. buy 10 of whatever you like!

What are the advantages of ordering 10 showcases at once?

  1. All your showcases will be uniformed across the board, you can set them all up at one location, or have the satisfaction of knowing that if you open up future locations, you’ll have branded, respectable, and reliable display cases in all of your store fronts.
  2. Saving money! You would only have to pay to ship these showcases one time; and at $160.00 for shipping the first case and $80.00 for each additional case, customers would save over $ 500.00 on just the shipping alone.
  3. Saving even more money! Customers won’t just save on shipping, but will also qualify to receive a bulk purchase discount, saving them close to a projected $800.00 on their entire purchase.
  4. If you see a good deal at the supermarket on hand soap, toilet paper, or canned soup, you would fill your shopping cart up with these items, because you don’t know when the next sale will happen. Why not approach your store front the same way?
Discount showcases: constantly striving for better ways to save our customers money on our quality display products. Start looking at your bulk options  RIGHT HERE!